Use Current Template as a Template Parameter to one of the Template Parameters

With template template parameter, you can do something like:

template<typename EdgeType>
struct Vertex {
    std::vector<EdgeType> successors;

template<typename EdgeCostType, template <typename> class VertexWrapper>
struct Edge {
    EdgeCostType cost;
    VertexWrapper<Edge> source;
    VertexWrapper<Edge> dest;

using myEdge = Edge<double, Vertex>;
using myVertex = Vertex<myEdge>;

yours simply works.. (but i don't know how to print and initialize member vector)

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;

template<typename EdgeType>
struct Vertex {
    vector<EdgeType> successors;

template<typename EdgeCostType, typename VertexWrapper>
struct Edge {
    EdgeCostType cost;
    VertexWrapper source;
    VertexWrapper dest;

int main (){

    Vertex<int> vertx = {{5}};
    Edge<int, decltype(vertx)> ed = {7};

    cout<< ed.cost <<"\n";     //cout<< ed.dest.successors<<"\n";   // not work, ask help!