Use Alpha Vantage as an alternative to Yahoo FinancialData, and how to use financial indicators on these data

Here is something I quickly came up with after a cursory reading of the docs:

$alphaVantageKey = (* insert your API key here *);
alphaVantageTradingChart[symbol_String, opts___] := Module[{daily, meta, msg, raw, series},
     daily = StringTemplate["`sym`&apikey=`key`"];
     raw = Import[daily @ <|"key" -> $alphaVantageKey, "sym" -> symbol|>, "RawJSON"];
     msg = Lookup[raw, "Error Message"];
        series = KeyValueMap[{DateObject[#1], Interpreter["Number"] /@ Values[#2]} &, 
                             raw @ "Time Series (Daily)"];
        meta = AssociationThread[{"sym", "date", "tz"}, 
                                 MapAt[DateString[#, {"MonthName", " ", "Day", ", ", "Year"}] &, 
                                       Lookup[raw["Meta Data"],
                                              {"2. Symbol", "3. Last Refreshed", "5. Time Zone"}], 2]];
        TradingChart[series, opts,
                     PlotLabel -> Style[StringTemplate["Trading Chart for `sym`\n(last refreshed `date`, `tz` time)"]
                                        @ meta, Small]],
        Failure["API Error", <|"MessageTemplate" -> msg|>]]]



MSFT trading chart

alphaVantageTradingChart["MMM", {"BollingerBands"}]

MMM trading chart with Bollinger bands

So this is something that can really be answered just by reading the docs, but maybe it'll be generally useful, so I'll put it here.

First I got an API key from those people, then extended your function to be a bit more general:

$AVAPIKey = "0LWSL8V34410G7ZU";
Options[alphaVantageCallBuild] =
   "function" -> "TIME_SERIES_DAILY",
   "symbol" -> "MSFT",
   "datatype" -> "json",
   "interval" -> "60min",
   "outputsize" -> "compact",
   "apikey" -> Automatic
alphaVantageCallBuild[ops : OptionsPattern[]] :=
    "Scheme" -> "https",
    "Domain" -> "",
    "Path" -> {"query"},
    "Query" -> {
      "function" -> OptionValue["function"],
      "symbol" -> OptionValue["symbol"],
      "apikey" -> 
       Replace[OptionValue["apikey"], Automatic :> $AVAPIKey],
      "datatype" -> OptionValue["datatype"],
      "interval" -> OptionValue["interval"]

Then we'll import some of this stuff:

coreData = Import[alphaVantageCallBuild[], "RawJSON"];
Take[#, 5] & /@ coreData

<|"Meta Data" -> <|"1. Information" -> 
    "Daily Prices (open, high, low, close) and Volumes", 
   "2. Symbol" -> "MSFT", "3. Last Refreshed" -> "2017-09-13", 
   "4. Output Size" -> "Compact", "5. Time Zone" -> "US/Eastern"|>, 
 "Time Series (Daily)" -> <|"2017-09-13" -> <|"1. open" -> "74.9300", 
     "2. high" -> "75.2300", "3. low" -> "74.5500", 
     "4. close" -> "75.2100", "5. volume" -> "13351377"|>, 
   "2017-09-12" -> <|"1. open" -> "74.7600", "2. high" -> "75.2400", 
     "3. low" -> "74.3700", "4. close" -> "74.6800", 
     "5. volume" -> "14003880"|>, 
   "2017-09-11" -> <|"1. open" -> "74.3100", "2. high" -> "74.9400", 
     "3. low" -> "74.3100", "4. close" -> "74.7600", 
     "5. volume" -> "17455115"|>, 
   "2017-09-08" -> <|"1. open" -> "74.3300", "2. high" -> "74.4400", 
     "3. low" -> "73.8400", "4. close" -> "73.9800", 
     "5. volume" -> "14474383"|>, 
   "2017-09-07" -> <|"1. open" -> "73.6800", "2. high" -> "74.6000", 
     "3. low" -> "73.6000", "4. close" -> "74.3400", 
     "5. volume" -> "17165518"|>|>|>

Now you can see this data is kinda funky. They have those weird numeric tags on everything and the values are all strings. So we'll clean all this up:

   data_Association?(Quiet[DateObjectQ@DateObject[First@Keys[#]]] &)
   ] :=

  ToExpression@*KeyMap[StringTrim[#, DigitCharacter ~~ ". "] &] /@ 
   KeyMap[DateObject, data];
alphaVantageTradingChartPrep[data_Association] :=

   SelectFirst[data, Quiet[DateObjectQ@DateObject[First@Keys[#]]] &];

timeSeries =

<|DateObject[{2017, 9, 13}, "Day", 
   "Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 74.93, "high" -> 75.23, 
   "low" -> 74.55, "close" -> 75.21, "volume" -> 13351377|>, 
 DateObject[{2017, 9, 12}, "Day", 
   "Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 74.76, "high" -> 75.24, 
   "low" -> 74.37, "close" -> 74.68, "volume" -> 14003880|>, 
 DateObject[{2017, 9, 11}, "Day", 
   "Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 74.31, "high" -> 74.94, 
   "low" -> 74.31, "close" -> 74.76, "volume" -> 17455115|>, 
 DateObject[{2017, 9, 8}, "Day", 
   "Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 74.33, "high" -> 74.44, 
   "low" -> 73.84, "close" -> 73.98, "volume" -> 14474383|>, 
 DateObject[{2017, 9, 7}, "Day", 
   "Gregorian", -7.] -> <|"open" -> 73.68, "high" -> 74.6, 
   "low" -> 73.6, "close" -> 74.34, "volume" -> 17165518|>|>

Then we just make it look how TradingChart wants it:

tradingChartData =
   {#, Lookup[#2, {"open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"}]} &,
tradingChartData // TradingChart

trading chart

And here's the same with the FinancialIndicator from the examples:

 {FinancialIndicator["SimpleMovingAverage", 50]}

financial indicator

Here is an example to build on top of Twelve Data OHLCV candles. The advantage is that they offer real-time data throughout the trading session, that AV fails to deliver for some important stocks.

TwelveDataTradingChart[symbol_, interval_, apikey_, opts___] := Module[{template, status, data, series},
   template = StringTemplate["`symbol`&interval=`interval`&apikey=`apikey`"];
   data = Import[template @ <|"symbol" -> symbol, "interval" -> interval, "apikey" ->apikey|>, "RawJSON"];
   status = Lookup[data, "status"];
   If[status == "ok",
        series = Map[{DateObject[#1["datetime"]], Interpreter["Number"] /@ Take[Values[#1],{2, -1}]} &, 
                             data @ "values"];
        TradingChart[series, opts,
        PlotLabel -> Style[StringJoin[symbol," - ", interval],Medium]],
        Failure["Error", <|"MessageTemplate" -> Lookup[data, "message"]|>]]]

The call will be simple:

TwelveDataTradingChart["AAPL", "5min", "your_api_key"]

Interval can be any of the {1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 45min, 1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 1day, 1week, 1month}. Free API Key can be obtained here.

Apple Inc. 5min chart using Twelve Data API