URLRequest equality doesn't include httpBody

URLRequest is the Swift overlay type for the Foundation type NSURLRequest, so that that == ultimately calls the isEqual() method of the NSURLRequest.

The Foundation library is open source for non-Apple platforms, and at NSURLRequest.swift#L245 we find:

open override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
    //On macOS this fields do not determine the result:
    guard let other = object as? NSURLRequest else { return false }
    return other === self
        || (other.url == self.url
            && other.mainDocumentURL == self.mainDocumentURL
            && other.httpMethod == self.httpMethod
            && other.cachePolicy == self.cachePolicy
            && other.httpBodyStream == self.httpBodyStream
            && other.allowsCellularAccess == self.allowsCellularAccess
            && other.httpShouldHandleCookies == self.httpShouldHandleCookies)

So that seems to be intentional.