upper envelope of data

One could imagine a more detailed question (e.g. with data, and a clear statement of whether it is the upper points, or a function, that is wanted).

Here is an approach to this.

First set up an example.

pts = RandomReal[{1, 5}, {10^4, 2}];
pts2 = Select[pts, #[[1]]*#[[2]] <= 5 &];
pts2 // Length

enter image description here

We use an internal function to extract the envelope points.

upper = -Internal`ListMin[-pts2];

(* Out[212]= 111 *)

enter image description here

Now guess a formula.


(* Out[209]= 4.92582954108/#1 & *)

More generally if one has in mind say a small set of monomials and wants to find an algebraic relation amongst the points, then there are various fitting functions that can be used.

This is an almost perfect application for Quantile Regression. (See these blog posts for Quantile Regression implementations and applications in Mathematica.)

Here is some data (as in Daniel Lichtblau's answer):

pts = RandomReal[{1, 5}, {10^4, 2}];
pts2 = Select[pts, #[[1]]*#[[2]] <= 5 &];
pts2 // Length

enter image description here

Load the package QuantileRegression.m:


Apply Quantile Regression (using a basis of five B-splines of order 3) so that 99% of the points are below the regression quantile curve:

qFunc = QuantileRegression[pts2, 5, {0.99}][[1]];

Plot the result:

  Plot[qFunc[x], {x, Min[pts2[[All, 1]]], Max[pts2[[All, 1]]]}, 
   PlotStyle -> Red]}, PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here

Here is how the function looks like:

qFunc[x] // Simplify

enter image description here

Using Quantile Regression also works in more complicated cases:

pts = RandomReal[{0, 3 Pi}, 20000];
pts = Transpose[{pts, RandomReal[{0, 20}, Length[pts]]}];
pts2 = Select[pts, Sin[#[[1]]/2] + 2 + Cos[2*#[[1]]] >= #[[2]] &];
ListPlot[pts2, PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here

qFunc = QuantileRegression[pts2, 16, {0.996}][[1]];

  Plot[qFunc[x], {x, Min[pts2[[All, 1]]], Max[pts2[[All, 1]]]}, 
   PlotStyle -> Red]}, PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here

(I was not able to obtain good results using Internal`ListMin in this case.)

Since this question has popped up again, here is a way to use MaxFilter followed by smoothing with a GaussianFilter.

pts = RandomReal[{1, 5}, {10^4, 2}];
pts2 = Select[pts, #[[1]]*#[[2]] <= 5 &];
{xs, ys} = Transpose[Sort[pts2, #1[[1]] < #2[[1]] &]];
  ListLinePlot[Transpose[{xs, GaussianFilter[MaxFilter[ys, 50], 50]}],
    PlotStyle -> Red]}]

enter image description here


