Uploading screenshots to iTunes connect for iPhone 6 and 6+

This a big problem, I also can't upload screenshots for both 4.7 and 5.5 (I've check them 3 times and they are correct).

Same message as yours.

The error on 6 Plus side is caused by the fact that itunesconnect wants 1242 x 2208 screenshots for portrait and 2208 x 1242 in landscape.

** Update.. Ok, it seems to work now.

I have this issue right now. This answer helped me https://stackoverflow.com/a/26052482/2764408 Just rename them to "1.png" and so on. It may sounds insane but when I renamed the simulator screenshots to 1.png, 2.png and so on, itunesconnect uploaded them without any errors

UPDATE: I think that non latin symbols in the filename are the reason of this problem. iOS simulator uses localized date in the screenshot file names.

I ran into this problem when using screenshots from the Simulator. Solution: Make sure that the scale is 100% (Window->Scale in simulator menu). If you scale the window down (common when simulating hight resolution devices), then the screenshot will also be scaled down...