Update Vuetify version

Run npm info vuetify to lookup for the list of versions that they have.

Install the specific version that you want with the following. I am using the latest vuetify v1.0.0-beta.6 as an example.


npm install --save [email protected]

Alternatively, if you prefer yarn

yarn add [email protected]

You can replace --save with -S flag instead.

yarn requires no flags to save them into dependencies.

Since npm version 5 (part of Node.js version 8), you can simply run

npm update vuetify

to update the package in node_modules and version in package.json/package.json.lock to the latest wanted version. Wanted version is the latest safe version that can be selected according to the constraints of semantic versioning and the ^ or ~ prefix in package.json.

To see what is the available wanted version, run

npm outdated

If you want to update both Vuetify and other packages to the latest major version (you rarely want this as Vuetify major versions are not necessarily backwards-compatible), run

npx npm-check-updates -u
npm install

See this excellent article by Carl Rippon for details.

to update vuetify version you must uninstall your old vuetify here is what i mean

uninstall it first

npm uninstall -S vuetify

then install it again

npm install -S vuetify

if you want to specify the version

npm install -S [email protected]

for example.

-S or --save is for dependencies