Update Stripe data-amount

Turns out that to have a dynamic data-amount for the stripe payment, you have to use Custom Checkout instead of Simple Checkout. This code did the trick.

      <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" id="stripe-button">
        Checkout <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart"></span>

          var token = function(res){
            var $id = $('<input type=hidden name=stripeToken />').val(res.id);
            var $email = $('<input type=hidden name=stripeEmail />').val(res.email);

          var amount = $("#stripeAmount").val();
            key:         '{{ STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY }}',
            amount:      amount,
            name:        'Serendipity Artisan Blends',
            image:       '{% static "img/marketplace.png" %}',
            description: 'Purchase Products',
            panelLabel:  'Checkout',
            token:       token

          return false;

OR you can just use the following code before clicking the stripe button ;-)

StripeCheckout.__app.configurations.button0.amount = 1234;
