Update many in mongoose

You can use updateMany() methods of mongodb to update multiple document

Simple query is like this

db.collection.updateMany(filter, update, options)

For more doc of uppdateMany read here

As per your requirement the update code will be like this:

User.updateMany({"created": false}, {"$set":{"created": true}});

here you need to use $set because you just want to change created from true to false. For ref. If you want to change entire doc then you don't need to use $set

You first need a query to find the documents you want to update. This is simply:

{"created": false}

Then you need an update query to tell mongo how to update those documents:

{"$set":{"created": true}}

You need to use the $set operator to specify which fields to change, otherwise it will overwrite the entire document. Finally you can combine these components into a single mongo call with an additional parameter to tell mongo we want to modify multiple documents:

User.update({"created": false}, {"$set":{"created": true}}, {"multi": true}, (err, writeResult) => {});

Mongoose tries to closely replicate the mongo API so all this information can be found solely within MongoDB's documentation: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.update/