UPDATE if exists else INSERT in SQL

The below query will fulfill your requirement.

INSERT INTO `ALLOWANCE` (`EmployeeID`, `Year`, `Month`, `OverTime`,`Medical`,
`Lunch`, `Bonus`, `Allowance`) values (10000001, 2014, 4, 10.00, 10.00,
10.45, 10.10, 40.55) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `EmployeeID` = 10000001

Further to Gunaseelan's answer (answering questions I had myself, that I needed to look up):

INSERT INTO `ALLOWANCE` (`EmployeeID`, `Year`, `Month`, `OverTime`,`Medical`,
`Lunch`, `Bonus`, `Allowance`) values (10000001, 2014, 4, 10.00, 10.00,
10.45, 10.10, 40.55) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `OverTime`=10.00, `Medical`=10.00, `Lunch`=10.45, `Bonus`=10.10, `Allowance`=40.55;
  1. Don't forget the trailing semicolon (like I did);

  2. WHERE is not required - it knows which record is the duplicate

  3. Also no need to mention the tablename again - that was provided in first half

Here is a page that explains the syntax in more detail:



