Update autoComplete JavaFx?

Just in any case if you need to keep instance of AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding object, thus avoiding use of:

autoCompleteBinding = TextFields.bindingAutoCompletion(TextField,List);

, which will change the instance, we could go a little bit deeper and use this:

// let's suppose initially we have this possible values:
Set<String> autoCompletions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C"));
SuggestionProvider<String> provider = SuggestionProvider.create(autoCompletions);
new AutoCompletionTextFieldBinding<>(textField, provider);

// and after some times, possible autoCompletions values has changed and now we have:
Set<String> filteredAutoCompletions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("A", "B"));


So, through SuggestionProvider, we have "updated" auto completion values. To avoid doubling of suggestions menu, don't use again (for the 2nd time):
