Update Array containing objects using spread operator

You can use a mix of .map and the ... spread operator

You can set the value after you've created your new array

let array = [{id:1,name:'One'}, {id:2, name:'Two'}, {id:3, name: 'Three'}];

let array2 = array.map(a => {return {...a}})

array2.find(a => a.id == 2).name = "Not Two";

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Or you can do it in the .map

let array = [{id:1,name:'One'}, {id:2, name:'Two'}, {id:3, name: 'Three'}];

let array2 = array.map(a => {
  var returnValue = {...a};

  if (a.id == 2) {
    returnValue.name = "Not Two";

  return returnValue

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There are a few ways to do this. I would suggest using Array.map :

let new_array = array.map(element => element.id == 2 ? {...element, name : 'New Name'} : element);

or with Object.assign :

let new_array = array.map(element => element.id == 2 ? Object.assign({}, element, {name : 'New Name'}) : element);

Map returns a new array, so you shouldn't need the array spread operator.