Up-to-date TUGboat bibliography database

Checking with Karl Berry (TUG President), it seems that the latest version available is indeed the one mentioned in the question. So you'll have to type in the information you want by hand, at least at the moment.

A cumulative TUGboat bibliography, in BibTeX format, is compiled by Nelson Beebe at the University of Utah, and updated whenever a new issue is published and he receives the official contents file from the TUGboat production group. The latest edition can be found at


Many institutions exclude links to ftp sites. I don't know a direct http link, but reached this site by connecting to http://www.math.utah.edu/ and searching for "TUGboat bibliography". The first item listed in the answer identified the link shown above.

I'm not sure why this hasn't made its way to CTAN.

update: Thanks to ShreevatsaR, we learn that one can replace the initial ftp: by http:, which should work for users who are shut out of ftp. That gives this site:
