Unstack and return value counts for each variable?

You can set Gender as index and sum:

s = df.set_index('Gender').iloc[:, 1:]


                   Python  Bash  R  JavaScript  C++
Male                    1     0  0           1    0
Female                  0     0  1           1    1
Prefer not to say       1     1  0           0    0

Another idea would be to apply join values along axis 1, get_dummies then groupby:

(df.loc[:, 'Python':]
 .apply(lambda x: '|'.join(x.dropna()), axis=1)


                   Bash  C++  JavaScript  Python  R
Female                0    1           1       0  1
Male                  0    0           1       1  0
Prefer not to say     1    0           0       1  0