Unmarshall DynamoDB JSON

You can use the AWS.DynamoDB.Converter.unmarshall function. Calling the following will return { updated_at: 146548182, uuid: 'foo', status: 'new' }:


Everything that can be modeled in DynamoDB's marshalled JSON format can be safely translated to and from JS objects.

AWS SDK for JavaScript version 3 (V3) provides nice methods for marshalling and unmarshalling DynamoDB records reliably.

const { marshall, unmarshall } = require("@aws-sdk/util-dynamodb");

const dynamo_json = { "updated_at": { "N": "146548182" }, "uuid": { "S": "foo" }, "status": { "S": "new" } };

const to_regular_json = unmarshall(dynamo_json);

const back_to_dynamo_json = marshall(to_regular_json);


// dynamo_json    
      updated_at: { N: '146548182' },
      uuid: { S: 'foo' },
      status: { S: 'new' }

// to_regular_json
{ updated_at: 146548182, uuid: 'foo', status: 'new' }

// back_to_dynamo_json
   updated_at: { N: '146548182' },
   uuid: { S: 'foo' },
   status: { S: 'new' }