Unlocking the Secrets to a 1-Dimensional Labyrinth

Pyth, 51 bytes


sum the distance between the door and its key (doubled, to take the round trip), ignoring the "nested" keys and the distance from the start to the end:

JxQ"^"                                              #Initialize the farther point with the starting position
      K-xQ"$"J                                      #Initialize the step counter with the difference between the exit and the start
              VQ                                    #iterate over the input
                I&}NrG1>JxQrN0                      #check if is upper and if the keys is father than one stored (to eliminate nested keys)
                              =JxQrN0               #update the farther key
                                     =+K*2t-xQNJ;   #update step counter with the round trip door<>key
                                                 pK #print the step counter

same algorythm in python2.7 :

steps = lab.index('$') - farther_key
for i in lab:
    if i.isupper():
        if farther_key> lab.index(i.lower()):
            steps+=((lab.index(i) - farther_key)-1)*2
print steps

Python 2, 155 154 134 128 bytes

Edit: Thanks to @user2357112 and @loovjo for their comments that helped me shave another 20 26 bytes off my solution!

def f(l):
 for d in filter(str.isupper,l):
  if k<b:b=k;t+=2*(i(d)-k-1)
 print t

C, 136 bytes
