Unix - create path of folders and file

Use && to combine two commands in one shell line:

mkdir -p /my/other/path/here/ && touch /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt

Note: Previously I recommended usage of ; to separate the two commands but as pointed out by @trysis it's probably better to use && in most situations because in case COMMAND1 fails COMMAND2 won't be executed either. (Otherwise this might lead to issues you might not have been expecting.)

Do it with /usr/bin/install:

install -D /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt

when you don't have a source file:

install -D <(echo 1) /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt

You need to make all of the parent directories first.


mkdir -p "$(dirname "$FILE")" && touch "$FILE"

If you want to get creative, you can make a function:

mktouch() {
    if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
        echo "Missing argument";
        return 1;

    for f in "$@"; do
        mkdir -p -- "$(dirname -- "$f")"
        touch -- "$f"

And then use it like any other command:

mktouch ./base/data/sounds/effects/camera_click.ogg ./some/other/file