Unit testing in Flutter passing BuildContext

I am totally fine with 'surga' answer, but in some cases, it won't be good enough. like when you want to use this BuildContext with InhiretedWidget for example: Provider or MediaQuery.

So I suggest using the Mockito default generator to generate the BuildContext class for you.

BuildContext _createContext(){
final context = MockBuildContext();

And add build_runner to your pubspec.yaml

    sdk: flutter
  build_runner: any //use any version you want

Then run this command:

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

Now you can create a context object from the MockBuildContext class as it is created normally from the MaterialApp.

BuildContext _createContext(){
  final context = MockBuildContext();
  final mediaQuery = MediaQuery(
    data: MediaQueryData(),
    child: const SizedBox(),
  when(context.widget).thenReturn(const SizedBox());
  return context;

Note: It's not required to add when..thenReturn's for this Mock, it is depends on your needs.

Here is a simple way to retrieve a BuildContext instance inside a test case:

testWidgets('showDialog', (WidgetTester tester) async {
  await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(home: Material(child: Container())));
  final BuildContext context = tester.element(find.byType(Container));

  final dialog = showDialog(
    context: context,
    builder: (context) => AlertDialog(
      content: Text('shown by showDialog'),

  // apply your tests to dialog or its contents here.

This was inspired by Simple dialog control test from the Flutter test cases for the showDialog() function.

The whole "app" consist of a Container widget in a MaterialApp frame. The BuildContext instance is retrieved form by finding the Element instance related to the Container.

One way is to use testWidgets in combination with a Builder widget:

testWidgets('me testing', (WidgetTester tester) async {
  await tester.pumpWidget(
      builder: (BuildContext context) {
        var actual = sut.myMethodName(context, ...);
        expect(actual, something);

        // The builder function must return a widget.
        return Placeholder();

You can actually mock the BuildContext so the test will run headless. I think it's better but might be not a solution that you are looking for.

BuildContext is an abstract class therefore it cannot be instantiated. Any abstract class can be mocked by creating implementations of that class. If I take your example then the code will look like this:

class MockBuildContext extends Mock implements BuildContext {}

void main() {
   MyClass sut;
   MockBuildContext _mockContext;

   setUp(() {
     sut = MyClass();
     _mockContext = MockBuildContext();

   test('me testing', () {

   var actual = sut.myMethodName(_mockContext, ...);        

   expect(actual, something);

(Note that this requires the Mockito package: https://pub.dev/packages/mockito.)