Unit test RabbitMQ push with C# - .Net Core

Tightly coupling your Controller to implementation concerns are making it difficult to test your controller without side-effects. From the sample you provided you have shown that you are encapsulating the 3rd part API implementations and only exposing abstractions. Good. You however have not created an abstraction that would allow you to mock them when testing. I suggest a refactor of the RabbitMQConnection to allow for this.

First have your own backing abstraction.

public interface IRabbitMQConnectionFactory {
    IConnection CreateConnection();

And refactor RabbitMQConnection as follows

public class RabbitMQConnection : IRabbitMQConnectionFactory {
    private readonly RabbitMQConnectionDetail connectionDetails;

    public RabbitMQConnection(IOptions<RabbitMQConnectionDetail> connectionDetails) {
        this.connectionDetails = connectionDetails.Value;

    public IConnection CreateConnection() {
        var factory = new ConnectionFactory {
            HostName = connectionDetails.HostName,
            UserName = connectionDetails.UserName,
            Password = connectionDetails.Password
        var connection = factory.CreateConnection();
        return connection;

Take some time and review exactly what was done with this refactor. The IOptions was moved from the Controller to the factory and the RabbitMQConnection has also been simplified to do it's intended purpose. Creating a connection.

The Controller now would need to be refactored as well

public class RestController : Controller {
    private readonly IRabbitMQConnectionFactory factory;

    public RestController(IRabbitMQConnectionFactory factory) {
        this.factory = factory;

    public IActionResult Push([FromBody] OrderItem orderItem) {
        try {                
            using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection()) {
                var model = connection.CreateModel();
                var helper = new RabbitMQHelper(model, "Topic_Exchange");
                helper.PushMessageIntoQueue(orderItem.Serialize(), "Order_Queue");
                return Ok();
        } catch (Exception) {
            //TODO: Log error message
            return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

Again note the simplification of the controller. This now allows the factory to be mocked and injected when testing and by extension allows the mocks to be used by the RabbitMQHelper. You can use your mocking framework of choice for dependencies or pure DI.