"Unexpected Response Code for Operation: 0" when executing Azure Table Storage batch delete

'Unexpected Response Code for Operation: 0' basically means that the first operation in the batch failed. The index of the failed operation is returned in the error thrown so it makes it easier for users to go and change the specific operation in the batch that failed.

You can get more information about the request that failed and the error by catching the StorageException and checking:

  • exception.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode
  • exception.RequestInformation.ExtendedErrorInformation.ErrorCode
  • exception.RequestInformation.ExtendedErrorInformation.ErrorMessage

The same information is also available in the OperationContext's last result if you use an OperationContext to track the request and use suitable method overloads that take in the OperationContext.

We will look at changing the error message in the future so it is less confusing. Thanks for the feedback!