Unexpected pipe 'ValuesPipe' imported by the module 'HomieModule'

By design convention implemented design is wrong. If you want to share pipes, components, directives which are common to your project modules, you should use SharedModule concept.

In your solution, you are doing exporting pipe correctly but just that way it doesn't work.

Once you export common pipe(s), component(s) and directive(s) after doing so you have to import that entire module from where you have exported such things to other modules where you want to use them. So do following,

1) Create a shared module somewhere in your project directory

import { NgModule }            from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule }        from '@angular/common';

import { ValuesPipe}         from './../values-pipe.pipe';

  imports:      [ CommonModule ],
  declarations: [ ValuesPipe ],
  exports:      [ ValuesPipe ]
export class SharedModule { }

2) Import shareModule in Service.Module

import { SharedModule } from '../shared/shared.module';

  imports: [
  declarations: [ServiceDetailComponent, ServiceListComponent]
export class ServiceModule { }

Now you are ready to use exported pipe in Service Module.

Read more about shareModule