Understanding OpenMP shortcomings regarding fork

The code as posted violates the POSIX standard.

The POSIX fork() standard states:

A process shall be created with a single thread. If a multi-threaded process calls fork(), the new process shall contain a replica of the calling thread and its entire address space, possibly including the states of mutexes and other resources. Consequently, to avoid errors, the child process may only execute async-signal-safe operations until such time as one of the exec functions is called.

Running OMP-parallelized code is clearly violating the above restriction.

To expand on Andrew Henle's answer, what fork(2) does is create a second process that shares the entire memory space of the calling thread via copy-on-write (CoW) memory mappings. The child process is in an awkward situation - it is a replica of the parent thread with the same state (except the return value of the system call and some other things like timers and resource use counters) and access to all its memory and open file descriptors but without any other thread of execution besides the one that made the fork(2) call. While with some precautions this can be used as a crude form of multithreading (and it was used for that purpose before true LWPs were introduced in Unix), 99% of the cases fork(2) serves a singular purpose - to spawn child processes whereas the child calls execve(2) (or one of its front-ends in the standard C library) immediately after the fork. In recognition of that fact, there is an even more extreme version called vfork(2) that doesn't even create CoW mappings of the parent's memory but directly uses its page tables, effectively creating a hybrid between a standalone process and a thread. The child in that case is not even allowed to make async-signal-safe function calls because it operates on the parent's stack.

Note that the OpenMP specification does not cover any interaction with other threading and/or process control mechanisms, thus, even if it might work with some OpenMP implementations, your example is not a correct OpenMP program.


