Understanding Enums in Java

Think of Enum as follows

public class MyEnum {

    // Object instantiated at declaration
    public static final MyEnum ONE = new MyEnum();
    public static final MyEnum TWO = new MyEnum();
    public static final MyEnum THREE = new MyEnum();

    // Notice a private constructor 
    // There is no way outside MyEnum class call it
    private MyEnum() { ... }


So a MyEnum as a enum would be

public enum MyEnum {

Both are similar


Enums in Java 5+ are basically classes that have a predefined set of instances. They are intended as a replacement for, say, a collection of integer constants. They are preferably to constants as they can enforce type safety.

So instead of:

public class Suit {
  public final static int SPADES = 1;
  public final static int CLUBS = 2
  public final static int HEARTS = 3;
  public final static int DIAMONDS = 4;

you have:

public enum Suit {

The advantages are:

  1. Type safety. You can declare a function argument, return type, class member or local variable to be a particular Enum type and the compiler will enforce type safety;
  2. Enums are basically classes. They can implement interfaces, have behaviour and so on.

The type safety is an issue because in the first example, these are valid statements:

int i = Suit.DIAMONDS * Suit.CLUBS;

or you can pass in 11 to a function expecting a suit. You can't do that with a typesafe enum.

You can use a class for Suit to provide type safety and this was the solution before Java 5. Josh Bloch (in Effective Java, which is a must read for Java programmers imho) promoted the typesafe enum pattern that became the Java 5+ enum. It has a fair amount of boilerplate on it and some corner cases that people didn't tend to cater for, such as serialization not calling a constructor and to ensure you only got one instance you had to override the readResolve() method.

For example:

public enum CardColour {

public enum Suit {

  private final CardColour colour;

  Suit(CardColour colour) { this.colour = colour; }

  public CardColour getColour() { return colour; }

Edit: Sun has an introduction to typesafe enums.

As for interfaces, they really complement enums rather than being an alternative. Like you could say that Suit is an interface and you'd have this:

public interface Suit {
  CardColour getColour();

The problem is that you could go and define 300 different suits and you could also define Spades several times. Another advantage of enums is (classloading corner cases notwithstanding) is that there is only one instance of each enum value. Typically this is referred to as having a canonical value, meaning this equality holds true:

a.equals(b) == b.equals(a) == (a == b)

for all a, b that are instances of a particular Enum. This means that instead of writing:

if (card.getSuit().equals(Suit.SPADES)) { ... }

you can write:

if (card.getSuit() == Suit.SPADES) { ... }

which is quicker and typically easier to read. Plus IDEs will typically give you feedback if you're comparing enums of different types saying they can't possibly be equal, which can be a useful and early form of error-checking.

Sun's enum documentation is probably the best explanation. Of course you can do without them as Java programmers certainly did until Java 1.5 was released. You would typically accomplish the same thing by using constants in versions of Java before 1.5. But enums are a nice convenience.


