underline omitting the descenders

We could do for each letter:

  • Produce the underlining
  • Overwrite the line with the same but bolder letter or with a left and right shifted one, but in background or white color
  • Write the letter

So we would get an underline with matching gaps.

Here I modified the soul approach of Marco in this way, just for a demonstration what I mean, which could be improved (boldness, loop):

\myul{jumping quickly}

underlining with gaps

Simply because I found it useful here is a modification of Stefans answer above that lets you control the depth, thickness and width of the underline. This might be useful, for example, with a larger or bolder font. The syntax is: \varul<width>[depth][thickness]{stuff} where:

  • <width> is optional and given as a multiple of 1/100 em, e.g. <10> would give a gap width of 0.1em. The default value is 5
  • [depth] is optional and is given as a positive value (including units) that specifies the distance below the baseline to draw the underline. The default value is 0.2ex.
  • [thickness] is optional and is given as a positive value (including units) specifying the thickness of the underline. The default value is 0.1ex
  • The fourth, mandatory, argument is what you want underlined.

This will work across paragraphs and linebreaks but may change the spacing very slightly.

enter image description here


\cs_new:Npn \white_text:n #1
    \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {#1 * .01}
    \llap{\textcolor{white}{\the\SOUL@syllable}\hspace{\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp em}}
    \llap{\textcolor{white}{\the\SOUL@syllable}\hspace{-\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp em}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\whiten}{ m }
      \int_step_function:nnnN {1}{1}{#1} \white_text:n

\NewDocumentCommand{ \varul }{ D<>{5} O{0.2ex} O{0.1ex} +m } {%


\varul{\Huge jumping quickly}\par\smallskip
\varul[1pt][1pt]{\Huge jumping quickly}


Edit by Tobi: \fp_mul:Nn doesn’t work in a current TeXlive, so I replaced the two lines with just \fp_set:Nn \l_tmpa_fp {#1 * .01}.

Here is a solution using contour and ulem packages.

IMO this produces a very good looking underline, specialy for title underlining:



\normalem % use classical emph

\newcommand \myul[4]{%
  \renewcommand \ULdepth {#1}%
  \renewcommand \ULthickness {#2}%

\newcommand \myulline[4]{%
  \renewcommand \ULdepth {#1}%
  \renewcommand \ULthickness {#2}%


\myulline{5pt}{1pt}{2pt}{Chapter Eight}



Test. \myul{2pt}{0.5pt}{1pt}{Quit jumping quickly!} Test.

Test. \myul{1.2pt}{0.5pt}{0.5pt}{Quit jumping quickly!} Test.



example output

Close up:

example detail

As drawback, the underline depth cannot be very close to baseline because it can be hidden by the contour.