Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at registerNgModuleType - angular PWA

This often happens when you've mixed up imports and declarations in the pertinent module (or some other such mix-up). You might for example have put a component in the imports array, where only modules should be 'declared'. The component should be in the declarations array.

In my case this error occurred seemingly at random. One moment it was working, and the next moment it wasn't. Known working commits were also broken.

I had to delete node_modules and reinstall them which fixed the problem.

enter image description here

This could happen when you have imported a wrong module inside imports array in module also. One time when working with a reactive forms, I had mistakenly added FormBuilder inside imports rather than ReactiveFormsModule and it gave me the similar error.

Looks like this error could come from multiple reasons.