Uncaught Error: No Storage Bucket defined in Firebase Options. (WEB)

If you got this issue working on angular. You must specify the storageBucket link on your enviroment.prod.ts Since when you deploy your project, it will use the production variables and files.

export const environment = {
 production: true,
  firebaseConfig : {
    authDomain: "your-app_name.firebaseapp.com",
    databaseURL: "https://your-app_name.firebaseio.com",
    projectId: "your-app_name",
    storageBucket: "gs://your-app_name.appspot.com/", //REMEMBER TO ADD IT HERE
    messagingSenderId: "604005378047",
    appId: "1:604005378047:web:ab0cdef3gh123456"

It's likely the "storageBucket" option in the Firebase config is an empty string. It seems to default to an empty string unless "Storage" has been initialized on the console interface.

Go to your firebase console, initialize "Storage" by accessing it on the Firebase console interface, and then copy the new value for "storageBucket" from the firebase config into your app.

Your firebase config should look something like this.

  authDomain: "my-app-a123z.firebaseapp.com",
  databaseURL: "https://my-app-a123z.firebaseio.com",
  projectId: "my-app-a123z",
  storageBucket: "my-app-a123z.appspot.com",
  messagingSenderId: "123456789012"