unauthorized access on artifactory even though credentials are included

Tip to solve the problem with the clear text password:

  • Access and login into Artifactory.
  • Once you are logged in, click over your user name, on the superior right corner of the screen.
  • Put your password then clique in the em Unlockbutton, enabling the encrypted password.
  • Copy the tag that will be showed on the inferior part of the screen and paste it into the settings.xml file. If you prefer to just copy the password, be sure about let it exactly equals the tag showed below, including the "\" at the beginning of the password.
  • Remember to adjust the tag with the id of your server, defined into the tag, in your POM.xml
  • Click in Update button and ready! Check if everything will occur well at the next project's publication.

Hudson is most likely caching settings.xml. You can try to reload configuration from the disk using this url http://your-hudson-url:8081/hudson/reload or restart the container Hudson is running on. Worked for me.

Don´t forget to check that what you put on <distributionManagement> at your pom.xml corresponds to what is on the tags of your .m2/settings.xml.

For some reason using a POM file didn't work. So i had to do it from command line.

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=http://url -Dfile=file-1.0.0.zip  -Dpackaging=zip  -DartifactId=aid -DgroupId=groupId -DrepositoryId=repId -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT

I still do not know why this worked. Also , i didn't have to change settings.xml from what i listed before.


Also, on the home tab in artifactory, you can get maven settings by clicking "Maven settings->Generate Settings" .