Unable to remotely view IP camera's RTSP stream

Just had exactly the same problem - I was trying to access DVR RTSP stream via VLC player and had no video but no error as well. It turns out that in VLC preferences you must switch Live555 stream transport from default HTTP to RTP over RTSP (TCP).

VLC > Tools > Preferences > Input & codecs > Network > toggle to RTP over RTSP

I haven't found an answer to my question (at least not any that I like), but I have found a work-around.

Based on heavyd's response, I Googled RTSP streams to learn more about how they work. As far as I can tell, he is correct, the video comes back over UDP, but not over predictable ports. That explains why the client can receive RTSP video streams on the same local network, but not remotely. The control channel (port 554) connects, but the returned video packets were being dropped by the router.

One suggestion I've seen is to open all ports to receive the stream. I suppose that would work, but that's an awful solution, in my opinion.

My work-around was to install OpenVPN, using the Zoneminder box as the VPN server and the Raspberry Pi as the VPN client. Once that was setup and the VPN tunnel was established they were essentially on the same network again, eliminating my port problem.

As Artanis said:

VLC > Tools > Preferences > Input & codecs > Network > toggle to RTP over RTSP

This worked for me, after so many days of searching I finally found relief!

Here is what I done for my UnionCam (Q2Pro):

  1. Download iSpyConnect (Opensource) (http://www.ispyconnect.com/default.aspx)
  2. Add a new "IP Camera with Wizard"
  3. If successful you will see the RTSP link; something like: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/user=admin_password=WEJwpbo6_channel=1_stream=0.sdp
  4. Set up port forwarding (I followed these steps: http://help.angelcam.com/general-guides-and-info/connecting-a-camera-to-angelcam/how-to-setup-port-forwarding-for-multiple-cameras)

  5. And finally use VLC with the above mentioned settings.