Unable to growpart because no space left

I came across this article http://www.daniloaz.com/en/partitioning-and-resizing-the-ebs-root-volume-of-an-aws-ec2-instance/ and solved it with ideas from there.

Steps taken:

  1. Note down root device (e.g. /dev/sda1)
  2. Stop instance
  3. Detach root EBS volume and then modify volume size if you haven't already
  4. Create an auxiliary instance (e.g. a t2.micro instance, or use an existing one if you wish)
  5. Attach the volume from step 2 to the auxiliary instance (doesn't matter which device)
  6. In the auxiliary instance, run lsblk to ensure the volume has been mounted correctly
  7. sudo growpart /dev/xvdf 1 (or similar, to expand the partition)
  8. lsblk to check that the partition has grown
  9. Detach the volume
  10. Attach the volume to your original instance, with device set to the one you noted down in Step 1
  11. Start the instance and then SSH into it
  12. If you still get the message "Usage of /: 99.8% of X.XX GB", run df -h to check the size of your root volume partition (e.g. /dev/xvda1)
  13. Run sudo resize2fs /dev/xvda1 (or similar) to resize your partition
  14. Run df -h to check that your Use% of /dev/xvda1 is no longer ~100%

For anyone that has this problem, here's a link to the answer: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ebs-volume-size-increase/


  1. Run df -h to verify your root partition is full (100%)
  2. Run lsblk and then lsblk -f to get block device details
  3. sudo mount -o size=10M,rw,nodev,nosuid -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp
  4. sudo growpart /dev/DEVICE_ID PARTITION_NUMBER
  5. lsblk to verify partition has expanded
  6. sudo resize2fs /dev/DEVICE_IDPARTITION_NUMBER
  7. Run df -h to verify your resized disk
  8. sudo umount /tmp

Just make sure to clear tmp folders before running the command growpart /dev/xvda 1 by running this other command sudo mount -o size=10M,rw,nodev,nosuid -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp that should do the trick.

Here is the full recap on resizing EBS volume:

Run df -h to verify your disk is full (100%)

/dev/xvda1 8.0G 8.0G 20K 100% /

Run lsblk

xvda    202:0    0  20G  0 disk
`-xvda1 202:1    0   8G  0 part /

Clear tmp folders a little bit

sudo mount -o size=10M,rw,nodev,nosuid -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp

And finally increase space in the partition

sudo growpart /dev/xvda 1

CHANGED: partition=1 start=4096 old: size=16773087 end=16777183 new: size=41938911 end=41943007

And finally do a sudo reboot wait for the instance to fully reload, ssh into the instance and run df -h should show the new space added:

/dev/xvda1       20G  8.1G   12G  41% /

Notice the new available space, and see how it's not full anymore (not at 100% now it's at 41%)