Unable to get value of the property 'unobtrusive': object is null or undefined

Found the problem.

I had another partial view which was adding a script "~/Scripts/jquery..."

So I had the bundle in the main view and this one in a partial of a menu that was always rendering. Seems like just the last one was being considered and the Unobtrusive wasn't added there. Removing it from the partial view and leaving just the one in the main view resolved it.

Thanks for the guesses.

I got this for another, much more bone headed reason. I had jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js before jquery.validate.min.js in my page.

Simply moving validate above validate validate.unobtrusive fixed the problem.

I got this error message for a different reason, so I though I would share.

We use Microsoft's CDN to serve the jquery.validate.min.js file, and our client was using a filter that had the asp.netcdn.com on a blacklist preventing it from loading.

So getting the client to whitelist the CDN or changing the CDN would get around the issue. Really, we should have a fallback in place so it served a local version if the CDN was not available but we have not implemented that yet.