Unable to generate APKs using bundletool in Android Studio

For those who are looking to generate a universal APK from the .aab file on mac, you can use the below steps

  • Use the following command to generate the '.apks' file from the '.aab' file: java -jar bundletool-all-1.1.0.jar build-apks --bundle=/path_to_aab/myapp.aab --output=/path_to_aab/myapp.apks --mode=universal

  • Rename the myapp.apks file to myapp.zip

  • Unzip and you will find universal apk

Execute bundletool from the command line as follows. Make sure paths to java/bundletool/aab/jks are set and correct.

java -jar bundletool-all-0.6.0.jar build-apks --bundle=/MyApp/my_app.aab --output=/MyApp/my_app.apks --ks=keystore.jks --ks-key-alias=key0