Unable to cast object of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`

JArray jsonResponse = JArray.Parse(goldString);

foreach (var item in jsonResponse)
    JObject jRaces = (JObject)item["races"];
    foreach (var rItem in jRaces)
        string rItemKey = rItem.Key;
        JObject rItemValueJson = (JObject)rItem.Value;
        Races rowsResult = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Races>(rItemValueJson.ToString());

Could try with:

JArray jsonResponse = JArray.Parse(goldString);

foreach (var item in jsonResponse)
    foreach (var rItem in jRaces)
        string rItemKey = rItem.Key;
        JObject rItemValueJson = (JObject)rItem.Value;
        Races rowsResult = item.Value<JObject>("races").ToObject<Races>();