UITableView method cellForRowAtIndexPath not called

Got it!

Had the same problem - I also have added a tableview into a uiviewcontroller and it also not worked, but I know the problem now.

If you add the tableview on interface builder AND click after that "Add Missing Constraints", it'll add constraints that can't work together.

At my position I had the tableview on my whole uiview and after click on "Add Missing Constraints", it will add this here:

enter image description here

And now if you delete one of the Trailing or Leading Alignments, it will work - cellforrowatindexPath will get called! Don't know why it is like that, but it will work.

Hope I can help you.

Check if you have these lines:

tableView.delegate = self
tableView.dataSource = self

If dataSource = self is not implemented it could be a reason of not called cellForRowAt indexPath method

You need to implement this or cellForRowAtIndexPath will never be called:

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView!, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
  // Return the count of the number of rows in the table
  return 5

The 5 is just an example of course. You would return the count of the number of elements in your array.