UITableView infinite scrolling

You can support infinite scroll with pull to refresh at the top and/or scroll continuously at the bottom with a spinner wheel using:


SVPullToRefresh handles the logic when UITableView reaches the bottom. A spinner is shown automatically and a callback block is fired. You add in your business logic to the callback block.

Here's an example:

#import "UIScrollView+SVInfiniteScrolling.h"

// ...

[tableView addInfiniteScrollingWithActionHandler:^{
    // append data to data source, insert new cells at the end of table view
    // call [tableView.infiniteScrollingView stopAnimating] when done

This project can be added to your project using CocoaPods or directly compiled into your project.

If you need to know when you hit the bottom of the UITableView, become it's delegate (because it is a subclass of UIScrollView), and use the -scrollViewDidScroll: delegate method to compare the table's content height and it's actual scroll position.

EDIT (something like this):

- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView_ 
    CGFloat actualPosition = scrollView_.contentOffset.y;
    CGFloat contentHeight = scrollView_.contentSize.height - (someArbitraryNumber);
    if (actualPosition >= contentHeight) {
        [self.newsFeedData_ addObjectsFromArray:self.newsFeedData_];
        [self.tableView reloadData];