ubuntu gnome 17.04 boot failure in VirtualBox after installing guest additions

For anyone still experiencing this issue and unable to get to your VM's terminal. Disabling "Enable 3D Acceleration" from VirtualBox Manager worked for me.

For those who installed the guest additions from the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso (inserted in the CD-ROM drive) and got in the situation described in this post, this is how I removed them from the command line:

  • Switch to a console (Ctrl+Alt+F2).
  • Make sure that the guest additions CD-ROM is inserted.
  • Run the following:

    sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom
    sudo /cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run uninstall

I got into this issue with VBox 5.1.22 . Hopefully there will be a fix soon.

Same happened to me, first I tried to install all virtual box additions from the PPA and it didn't fix. Then I removed all and started working again:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-* && sudo reboot

then remove all:

sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-* && sudo reboot