Ubuntu Desktop 17.04 64-bit with encrypted home, slow boot

Got it, it's a Ubiquity problem with encrypted home option: system hangs because of ecryptfs-setup-swap not working with swapfiles !

I set up Ubuntu with encrypted Home like i always do, with the fix as described in the link boot went from ~200 seconds down to ~30 seconds, this is on a hdd.

Edit: the problem is when installing Ubuntu with encrypted home, 17.04 creates a swapfile instead of a swap partition like previous versions, then the installer writes a faulty config file.

Quote, from the Original Bug Report:

In particular, ecryptfs-setup-swap puts in /etc/crypttab a line like this:

cryptswap1 UID=XXXXXXXX /dev/urandom

(like there were a swap partition with UID=XXXXXXXX) while with a swapfile it should put the following line:

cryptswap1 /swapfile /dev/urandom

If you manually change that line and reboot, you get rid of the problem - before rebooting, check also that your /etc/fstab file ends with:

#/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0

Because of this error Ubuntu spends a long time waiting for the swap.

fixed systemd-analyze blame

fixed systemd-analyze plot