Ubuntu Default language midnight commander

From ru.stackoverflow.com in russian

Try to make alias like:

alias mc='LANG=en_EN.UTF-8 mc'

Author says not a best way, but helped

Also you need source ~./bashrc or logout to apply changes

I stumbled over this thread trying to change my Midnight Commander on macOS Sierra away from French and since macOS is unix and since using an alias did not really suit me, this is what I added to my ~/.bashrc:

export LANG="en_EN.UTF-8"

then I sourced .bashrc and all was well (i.e. ran source ~/.bashrc in the terminal).

Please note that this might affect other applications as well. But I have not discovered any - in any case that is exactly what I want. Further note that I have only tested this on a mac, yet it should work just as well on Ubuntu or other *nix's.


