Ubuntu: can't find ndbm.h

In ubuntu there is apt-file package that allows you to find package which contains specified file. You need to install it with

sudo apt-get install apt-file

update the cache with

apt-file update

and than you can to search the package you need with

apt-file search ndbm.h

There is only tendra package, that contains file with such name.

Also libgdbm-dev contains /usr/include/gdbm-ndbm.h. May be it's the one you need. You can try to compile with it.

ps. Also you can use search on ubuntu site.

That file here (Fedora 18) belongs to gdbm-devel, the package containing it for Ubuntu should be named similarly. Check the dependencies for the source, you'll probably need a swath of -devel packages corresponding to each dependency.

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