TYPO3 - TCA Migrations Check shows 4th parameter 'specConf' of the field 'showitem' with fieldName = 'sys_language_uid' has been migrated

You may drop the whole ;;;;1-1-1 thing from your sys_language_uid field.

The best way to compare your original TCA with the migrated TCA is using the backend module "Configuration" and clicking through the TCA tree.

Here a way to fix it, using the migrated version of the Backend Module Configuration:

If install tool > TCA Migrations says the following:

The 4th parameter 'specConf' of the field 'showitem' with fieldName = 'sys_language_uid' has been migrated, from TCA table "tx_arbeiten_domain_model_diplomarbeiten['types']['1']['showitem']"to "tx_arbeiten_domain_model_diplomarbeiten['types']['1']['columnsOverrides']['sys_language_uid']['defaultExtras']".

Go to:

TYPO3 Backend -> Configuration -> $GLOBALS[‘TCA’](Table configuration array) -> tx_arbeiten_domain_model_diplomarbeiten -> types -> 1 -> showitems

Copy the updated values from there, in this case:

showitem = sys_language_uid,l10n_parent,l10n_diffsource,hidden,--palette--;;1,authorfirstname,author,author2firstname,author2,author3firstname,author3,title,schoolclass,link,--palette--;Datei 1;downloadgroup,--palette--;Datei 2;download2group,--palette--;Datei 3;download3group,--div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.xml:tabs.access,starttime,endtime

and paste them into your extension's TCA file (again at ['types']['1']['showitem'])