TYPO3: How to use external PHP libraries in Extbase Extension (no composer installation)

You can just use composer in your local environment.

  1. composer init
  2. composer req <neded packages>
  3. composer u
  4. Move the vendor/ into your your_extension/Resources/Private/PHP/ThirdPartyLibrary/
  5. Adjust the autoload path into the vendor/ that you just moved.

You can have a look into the Shariff Extension

They placed the external library in Resources/Private/Shariff/vendor/


And Autoload the files in


Using the libraries in your controller

The libraries need to have namespaces already if you want to use them in your controller.

Since your in TYPO3 V10 you can use the new symfony dependency injection that is implemented into TYPO3 now: https://usetypo3.com/dependency-injection.html


 * @var ThirdPartyLibrary
protected $thirdPartyLibrary;

 * @param ThirdPartyLibrary $thirdPartyLibrary
public function __construct(ThirdPartyLibrary $thirdPartyLibrary)
    $this->thirdPartyLibrary = $thirdPartyLibrary;


        autowire: true
        autoconfigure: true
        public: false

        resource: '../Resources/Private/PHP/ThirdPartyLibrary/*'

You will need to load the class for your library. I not sure which library your using.

Place the below code in your ext_localconf.php


$composerAutoloadFile = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('yourExtKey') . 'Resources/Private/PHP/ThirdPartyLibrary/vendor/autoload.php';

Now, you can use the library class wherever you want to use it. Make sure you dump cache as well as autoload class from TYPO3 Backend!