TypeScript with KnockoutJS

Look at DefinitelyTyped.

"TypeScript type definitions repository for popular JavaScript libraries"

I made this little interface to get static types for Knockout:

interface ObservableNumber {
        (newValue: number): void;               
        (): number;                             
        subscribe: (callback: (newValue: number) => void) => void;
interface ObservableString {
        (newValue: string): void;               
        (): string;                             
        subscribe: (callback: (newValue: string) => void) => void;
interface ObservableBool {
    (newValue: bool): void;             
    (): bool;                               
    subscribe: (callback: (newValue: bool) => void) => void;

interface ObservableAny {
    (newValue: any): void;              
    (): any;                                
    subscribe: (callback: (newValue: any) => void) => void;

interface ObservableStringArray {
    (newValue: string[]): void;
    (): string[];
    remove: (value: String) => void;
    removeAll: () => void;
    push: (value: string) => void;
    indexOf: (value: string) => number;

interface ObservableAnyArray {
    (newValue: any[]): void;
    (): any[];
    remove: (value: any) => void;
    removeAll: () => void;
    push: (value: any) => void;

interface Computed {
    (): any;

interface Knockout {
    observable: {
        (value: number): ObservableNumber;
        (value: string): ObservableString;
        (value: bool): ObservableBool;
        (value: any): ObservableAny;
    observableArray: {
        (value: string[]): ObservableStringArray;
        (value: any[]): ObservableAnyArray;
    computed: {
        (func: () => any): Computed;

Put it in "Knockout.d.ts" and then reference it from your own files. As you can see, it would benefit greatly from generics (which are coming according to the specs).

I only made a few interfaces for ko.observable(), but ko.computed() and ko.observableArray() can be easily added in the same pattern. Update: I fixed the signatures for subscribe() and added examples of computed() and observableArray().

To use from your own file, add this at the top:

/// <reference path="./Knockout.d.ts" />
declare var ko: Knockout;

Nothing would change in terms of the way knockout bindings are declared in the markup however we would get the intellisense goodness once the interfaces are written for the knockout library. In this respect it would work just like the jquery Sample, which has a typescript file containing interfaces for most of the jQuery api.

I think if you get rid of the two variable declarations for ko and $ your code will work. These are hiding the actual ko and $ variables that were created when the knockout and jquery scripts loaded.

I had to do this to port the visual studio template project to knockout:


class GreeterViewModel {
    timerToken: number;
    utcTime: any;

    constructor (ko: any) { 
        this.utcTime = ko.observable(new Date().toUTCString());

    start() {
        this.timerToken = setInterval(() => this.utcTime(new Date().toUTCString()), 500);

window.onload = () => {
    // get a ref to the ko global
    var w: any;
    w = window;
    var myKO: any;
    myKO = w.ko;

    var el = document.getElementById('content');
    myKO.applyBindings(new GreeterViewModel(myKO), el);


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>TypeScript HTML App</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="app.css" type="text/css" />
    <script src="Scripts/knockout-2.1.0.debug.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
    <h1>TypeScript HTML App</h1>

    <div id="content" data-bind="text: utcTime" />

Try my realisation of TypeScript interface declarations (with simple example)