Typescript: Spread types may only be created from object types

This is fixed in TypeScript Version 3.2. See Release Notes.

Looks like spread with a generic type isn't supported yet, but there is a GitHub issue about it: Microsoft/TypeScript#10727.

For now you can either use type assertion like @Jevgeni commented:

function foo<T extends object>(t: T): T {
  return { ...(t as object) } as T;

or you can use Object.assign which has proper type definitions.

function foo<T extends object>(t: T): T {
  return Object.assign({}, t);

If you are still getting this error post version 3.2 then you probably have a type error 'upstream' resulting in an object being unknown instead of an actual object. For instance if you have the spread expression { ...getData() } but your getData function has a compile error you may see this error.

So check for any compiler errors in your browser console because the final error may be misleading.

Version 3.2 of Typescript fixed this. The two PRs that improve handling of spread and rest parameters are:

  • Generic object rest variables and parameters
  • Generic spread expressions in object literals

You can try it out now using npm install [email protected].

With 3.2 your code works as is.

Version 3.2 has been released on November 29th, 2018, you can read more about it here.

You can use Record<string, unknown> or an interface like the below examples:

goodsArray.map(good => {
  return {
    id: good.payload.doc.id,
    ...(good.payload.doc.data() as Record<string, unknown>)


goodsArray.map(good => {
  return {
    id: good.payload.doc.id,
    ...good.payload.doc.data() as Goods // 'Goods' is my interface name

