is interface a class in java code example

Example 1: java interface

public interface Exampleinterface {
  public void menthod1();
  public int method2();


class ExampleInterfaceImpl implements ExampleInterface {

  	public void method1()
        //code here
    public int method2()
    	//code here


Example 2: can interface have objects in java

No, you can never instantiate an interface in java. You can, however, refer to an object that implements an interface by the type of the interface.

interface Animal{

void eat();


You cannot do this “Animal animal = new Animal();” Bcoz ininterfaceclass don’t have Constructor .

Now consider.

class Lion implements Animal



void eat(){ System.out.println(I eat only non-veg”);}


class Test(){

Animal animal = new Lion();;


Object of “Lion” is created and “Animal” hold the reference(address) of the Lion’s object.