Typescript Array find element by index

There is no such method findByIndex in JS, the only method is findIndex.

You can use the filter or the find method to get the item by index:

// ES2015

selectedCategory = categories.find(item => item.categoryId === 1);

// ES5

selectedCategory = categories.filter(item => item.categoryId === 1)[0];

You can use the find method:

selectedCategory = categories.find(c => c.categoryApi == 2);

The problem is, that the find function isn't listed in the typings-file.

First, ignore the error-message and try it!

Second, you could edit the typings-file:

  1. change find with filter and press F12 (go to declaration)
  2. copy this line in the typings-file and rename the function to find and the returned value to single-object instead of an array!
  3. save that file
  4. rename your back filter to find in your code..

TO get specific parameter values. Use this code

this.categories.find(item => item.categoryId === 1).categoryId 

WHere categoryId can be any field you want