TypeError: Cannot read property 'members' of undefined

One of the reasons this can happen is in you app module, you have an entry components which the build process can't find a import for (in below example if I comment out the import line and leave the component then it causes this error).enter image description here

enter image description here

I had the same issue and nearly gave up. Your question contained the tip that helped me pinpoint the problem, but I totally missed it because it was part of the question.

Put a console log at line 15258 in compiler.umd.js (or whatever exact line your error points you to):

if (meta.entryComponents) { console.log(meta); //<== Add this

My console log contained the following at the end: { ngMetadataName: 'NgModule', declarations: [ null ], ... entryComponents: [ null ] }

The issue turned out to be a Module that imported a class like this:

import MyComponent from "./my-component.component.ts";

The class was exported using default:

export default class MyComponent { ...

Removing default, and adding curly brackets to the import worked!

import { MyComponent } from "./my-component.component.ts";