TypeConverter() has private access in TypeConverter error with Room in Android

Don't change the object keyword to class (as the accepted answer suggests). The object declaration guarantees the Singleton pattern.

After automatics conversion of TypeConverter java file to kotlin file, you should mark all inner converter functions with @JvmStatic so Room can use them as regular static functions.

Take a look at the official Android Architecture Components samples, specifically the GithubTypeConverters.kt. Also, this discussion can be useful. And this is my DateTypeConverter.kt:

object DateTypeConverter {

    fun toDate(timestamp: Long?) = timestamp?.let { Date(timestamp) }

    fun toTimestamp(date: Date?) = date?.time


I my particular case, I converted my Java file to Kotlin using android studio ctrl+alt+shift+k key combination. What android studio did is that, it converted my class TypeConverter classes to type of object TypeConverter and I just couldn't figured out why my code stopped working. So, I manually changed object TypeConverter to class TypeConverter.

One more point regarding conversion to Kotlin: In case of Parcelable class, kotlin converted file in android studio doesn't add @JvmField on CREATOR field. So, you'll have to add it @JvmField val CREATOR manually to ensure proper working of Parcelable classes.