Type error: JSX element type '{} | null | undefined' is not a constructor function for JSX elements

There is a long term issue regarding ReactNode. I don't understand specifics, but it's something hard-wired in TypeScript itself and is being worked on.

Either way, a solution should be easy. Don't use ReactNode with functional components :) The children prop is implicitly included in React.FC type.

The same problem goes with returning children. It can be either overcome by wrapping into <React.Fragment> or <div> if you prefer, but since it's just a type error, you can convince TypeScript that you know what you are doing :)

import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';

import { CenteredMessage } from './centered-message';

export interface HandleQueryProps {
    loading: boolean,
    error?: Error,

export const HandleQuery: React.FC<HandleQueryProps> = ({ loading, error, children }) => {
    if (loading) {
        return <CenteredMessage>Loading...</CenteredMessage>;

    if (error) {
        return <CenteredMessage>{error.message}</CenteredMessage>;

    return children as ReactElement<any>;

At this case, it can be more easy simply define children of type ReactElement if I am not obviating something.

export interface HandleQueryProps {
    loading: boolean,
    error?: ApolloError,
    children: ReactElement