Type equality constraints and polymorphism

Well, the types certainly aren't exactly equivalent.

The type-checker considers them different types. If you compile with -ddump-types, you'll see:

  f :: Int -> IO [Double]
  g :: forall a. (a ~ Double) => Int -> IO [a]

The two types also behave differently at compile time. For example, with the TypeApplications extension, g @Double 10 is a valid expression while f @Double 10 isn't.

In core, the equality constraint is implemented -- like all constraints -- as an extra dictionary argument, and you'll see this difference in the types reflected in the generated core. In particular, if you compile the following program:


module EqualityConstraints where

import Control.Monad

f :: Int -> IO [Double]
f n = replicateM n readLn

g :: (a ~ Double) => Int -> IO [a]
g n = replicateM n readLn


ghc -ddump-types -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all -dsuppress-uniques \
    -fforce-recomp EqualityConstraints.hs

you'll see core like the following:

-- RHS size: {terms: 12, types: 22, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
g = \ @ a $d~ eta ->
      case eq_sel $d~ of co { __DEFAULT ->
        $fApplicativeIO eta (readLn ($fReadDouble `cast` <Co:3>))

-- RHS size: {terms: 6, types: 4, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
f = \ n -> replicateM $fApplicativeIO n (readLn $fReadDouble)

and this difference will persist in the core even with -O2.

Indeed, if you prevent inlining, the resulting final core (and even the final STG) will involve some unnecessary dictionary passing, as you can see by playing with:


import Control.Monad

f :: Int -> IO [Double]
{-# NOINLINE f #-}
f n = replicateM n readLn

g :: (a ~ Double) => Int -> IO [a]
{-# NOINLINE g #-}
g n = replicateM n readLn

main = do
  f 2
  g 2

and compiling with -ddump-simpl and -ddump-stg.

As far as I can see, this difference is still visible even in the optimized assembly with -O2.

So, I think it's safe to say that g is treated sufficiently polymorphically that the caveats about runtime costs of needless polymorphism do indeed apply.