Two rotated squares with TIKZ

I am not sure if I would use graph drawing for this. You seem to know very well how the result should look like, i.e. I do not see the need for a layout algorithm. A very simpleminded macro of the type you suggest is the following. (Fixed colors, modulos can be tricky. ;-)

\node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=4,draw,minimum size=3cm,\pgfmathresult](square1){};
\node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=4,draw,minimum size=3cm,rotate=45,\pgfmathresult]
\foreach \X [count=\Y,evaluate=\Y as \Z using {int(mod(\Y+1,2))},
evaluate=\Y as \V using {int((\Y+1)/2)}] in {#1}
  \filldraw[\mycolor] (0,0) circle (3mm);
  \draw[thick,fill=white,draw=\mycolor] (0,0) circle (3mm);
  \filldraw[\mycolor] (square\Z.corner \V) circle (3mm);
  \draw[thick,fill=white,draw=\mycolor] (square\Z.corner \V) circle (3mm);

enter image description here

The 0 and 1 entries determine if a given circle is filled, the 9th entry is the dot in the middle. The colors are stored in the \mycolors array.

Here is a simple way to draw.

\fill[cyan] (0,0) circle(\r);

\draw[gray] (-\a,-\a) rectangle (\a,\a);
\filldraw (\a,-\a) circle(\r);
\filldraw (-\a,\a) circle(\r);
\filldraw (-\a,-\a) circle(\r);
\filldraw (\a,\a) circle(\r);

\draw[red] (-\a,-\a) rectangle (\a,\a);
\filldraw[red] (\a,-\a) circle(\r);
\filldraw[red] (\a,\a) circle(\r);
\filldraw[red] (-\a,-\a) circle(\r);
\draw[red,fill=white] (-\a,\a) circle(\r);

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf