Turn off in-app purchases on xcode

If nothing helps, you can edit YourProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj file and remove all strings containing StoreKit and

com.apple.InAppPurchase = {
    enabled = 1;

I fixed this by changing the provisioning profile in the project settings!

It was set to auto, changed it a provisioning profile containing my app name, all working now.

For anyone who's coming across the same problem, this issue arises when you 1) previously had a developer account which expired and 2) you had in-app purchases enabled.

The solution is to go to click on the main project root in the left side panel which should reveal the project properties. Scroll to the bottom and there is a Linked Frameworks and Libraries. Remove the StoreKit.framework, go to Signing, disable the 'Automatically manage signing' option and enable it again. If needed, set your Team to 'None' and set it back to your Personal Development Team, which should trigger the automatic provisioning mechanism.



