'tsc command not found' in compiling typescript

You are all messing with the global installations and -path files. Just a little error might damage every project you have ever written, and you will spend the rest of the night trying to get a console.log('hi') to work again.

If you have run npm i typescript --save-dev in your project - just try to run:

npx tsc 

And see if it works before messing with global stuff (unless of course you really know what you are doing)

After finding all solutions for this small issue for macOS only.
Finally, I got my TSC works on my MacBook pro.

This might be the best solution I found out.

For all macOS users, instead of installing TypeScript using NPM, you can install TypeScript using homebrew.

brew install typescript

Please see attached screencap for reference. enter image description here

I had to do this:

npx tsc app.ts

A few tips in order

  • restart the terminal
  • restart the machine
  • reinstall nodejs + then run npm install typescript -g

If it still doesn't work run npm config get prefix to see where npm install -g is putting files (append bin to the output) and make sure that they are in the path (the node js setup does this. Maybe you forgot to tick that option).